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Konica Minolta

Education (Tertiary)

When there are hundreds of students enrolling or sitting exams, printing costs and document management can quickly get out of hand. Konica Minolta’s solutions for Higher Education can integrate with your student information systems (SIS) and quickly unlock a range of efficiencies.

We help education organisations

Keep track of cost

Keep track of cost

Improve administrative productivity and accountability, automate toner re-ordering and electronic meter reading, and prevent unnecessary printer service calls. Manage student printer usage with Konica Minolta’s pay-for-print solutions. 

Digitise student engagement

Digitise student engagement

By digitising your organisation’s documents you can quickly unlock a range of print-cost savings. Use our content management solutions to scan and convert all kinds of printed materials into convenient PDFs you can supply via your website, digital drop-box, or by attaching to emails.

Improve efficiency

Improve efficiency

Make marking papers and preparing student course materials outside the classroom fast, efficient, and easy. Our advanced scanning and document management technology lets you improve productivity by integrating scanned data with student information systems and electronic data management platforms.

Strengthen security

Strengthen security

Keep student records safe and secure, no matter what form they take. Konica Minolta’s range of security measures can help you ensure files can’t be accessed, and documents can’t be printed, copied, or scanned without proper authentication and adequate access privileges

Keep track of cost

Keep track of cost

Digitise student engagement

Digitise student engagement

Improve efficiency

Improve efficiency

Strengthen security

Strengthen security

Our Education services can:

  • Manage costs and gain efficiencies
  • Automate and digitise how you keep in touch with students
  • Provide self-service content management for all kinds of educational and support material
  • Streamline student record management and your print management

Use secure access to electronic and paper-based documents to save time and boost productivity for both staff and students. You’ll also harness enterprise-wise efficiencies such as a convenient payment system for student printing. Additional benefits include: web-based budget and tracking capabilities, automated monitoring and consumables re-ordering, authorisation technology to control who prints what.

Digitisation in Education


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