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Konica Minolta

Data Security Information

Important information on the steps you will need to take to protect your data.

You will need to activate security settings

Every Konica Minolta multifunction device has security capabilities to protect your data. If security is important to you, you will need to activate these settings.

Information on how to protect your data on the System Storage - Hard Disk Drive (HDD), Solid State Drive (SSD) or Micro SD (mSD) of a Konica Minolta device.

Your print device has the potential to hold any of the input data (scan, fax, copy) and output data (print, copy) that you send to it, the address book information and profile preferences that are stored in it, and any files that are saved in the user boxes.

It is your responsibility to activate this functionality to ensure that your data is secure.

Your security options

There are a number of security options that you should consider:

  • Activating the Storage Lock to "password protect" (encrypt) any data stored on the HDD/SSD in the event that it is physically removed;
  • Cleansing to overwrite temporarily stored data;
  • Installing the Security Kit (paid option) which applies a security pattern to output documents to prevent unauthorised copies of confidential documents.
  • Virus Scan by Bitdefender (paid option)*** - real-time scanning of all incoming and outgoing data at the device.

You may choose to activate some or all of these features, depending on your needs.

Instructions on how to activate security are included in the user manual or dedicated security manual provided with each piece of hardware. It is important that you read and follow the instructions specific to your Konica Minolta device, as they vary slightly from product to product.

If you have any concerns or require assistance, please contact our support centre on 1300 554 441. Alternatively you can log your query with our support team online.


We can take care of your security needs for you.

We offer our A3 multifunction printer customers OPS bizhub SECURE. Our expert technicians can configure the settings on your device according to your requirements, to make sure that your data is protected.

* Regional and remote customers may also incur service technician travel charges. Ask your Account Manager for further information.

** If your finance agreement requires the machine to be returned in its original working condition with all parts, we can provide a quote to provide a new hard drive and install it back in your device when we remove the old hard drive. Whilst due care is taken with the removal of your hard drive, we cannot be held liable for any damage done during removal.

*** Virus scan by Bitdefender is only available for selected i-Series MFP's.


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