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Konica Minolta


We support our charity partners: The Smith Family, Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) and Landcare Australia, through donations, matched workplace giving, fund-raising, volunteering and in-kind support. We also match workplace donations to Project Futures.

Transformative Community Partnerships

In a true sense of partnership, we work together with our major charity partners to understand their needs and match these with our people and resources. We provide donations, matched giving, fundraising, volunteering and in-kind support such as printing devices or printed materials. We also support local community groups and organisations through fundraising, volunteering and in-kind support.


Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA): Supporting all Australians affected by breast cancer

In Australia, it is estimated 57 people each day will be diagnosed with breast cancer and around 1% of them will be men. Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) provides information and support, connection, and advocates for a stronger health care system to ensure Australians affected by breast cancer receive the very best care, treatment and support.
Visit their website

Landcare Australia: Helping all Australians actively care for the land and water that sustains us

Landcare Australia is a national not-for profit that works in partnership with multiple stakeholders to support the Landcare community with funding and capacity building for on-ground projects. The Landcare community is made up of approximately 6,000 Landcare, Coastcare, Bushcare, ‘Friends of’ and other community environmental care groups across Australia.
Visit their website

The Smith Family: Helping disadvantaged Australian children create a better future

The Smith Family is a national, independent children’s charity, helping Australian children in need to get the most out of their education, so they can create better futures for themselves. The Smith Family's activities are driven by one purpose: To create opportunities for young Australians in need by providing long-term support for their participation in education.
Visit their website

Project Futures: Transforming the lives of young girls and women

PROJECT FUTURES connects Australians to the issue of human trafficking, slavery and sexual exploitation. The primary beneficiary of the funds raised by PROJECT FUTURES is AFESIP in Cambodia which supports young women and girls who are victims or at risk of being victims of sexual trafficking, violence, abuse or indentured slavery and exploitation.
Visit their website

Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA)

Annual sponsorship
Workplace Giving
In-kind printing

Supporting all Australians affected by breast cancer

In Australia, it is estimated 57 people each day will be diagnosed with breast cancer and around 1% of them will be men. Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) provides information and support, connection, and advocates for a stronger health care system to ensure Australians affected by breast cancer receive the very best care, treatment and support.


How Konica Minolta helps

  • Annual sponsorship of a major event - Konica Minolta supports BCNA’s major fundraising event each year, in 2020 matching donations raised through their “55 Hours of Giving” campaign.
  • Workplace Giving—Konica Minolta matches 100% of employee donations to any of our major charity partners.
  • Volunteering—skilled or general volunteering opportunities throughout the year to support their fundraise events.
  • In-kind printing—Konica Minolta prints thousands of posters, event flyers, and campaign collateral each year to support the work of BCNA.


Landcare Australia

Annual sponsorship & Volunteering
Workplace Giving
In-kind printing
Skilled Volunteers

Helping all Australians actively care for the land and water that sustains us

Landcare Australia is a national not-for-profit that works in partnership with multiple stakeholders to support the Landcare community with funding and capacity building for on-ground projects. The Landcare community is made up of approximately 6,000 Landcare, Coastcare, Bushcare, ‘Friends of’ and other community environmental care groups across Australia.


How Konica Minolta helps

  • Annual sponsorship and Volunteering - Each year, up to 50 Konica Minolta staff around Australia use one of their 2 volunteer leave days to help Landcare Australia community groups.
  • Workplace Giving—Konica Minolta matches 100% of employee donations to any of our major charity partners.
  • Konica Minolta Workplace Giving Grant—Our Grants have supported an Indigenous language program with the Royal Botanical Gardens Victoria, drought education and abatement, and most recently a bushfire regeneration grant for 'An Area of Regional Koala significance'.
  • In-kind printing—Konica Minolta provides support for biennial national conferences, and in South Australia supports South Australian-based Landcare events and program collateral.
  • Skilled Volunteers—from time to time our employees are are invited to participate in round-table discussions to help bring Landcare strategies to life.

The Smith Family

Annual Sponsorship
Workplace Giving
In-kind printing
Annual Christmas Appeal
Printers for Christmas

Helping disadvantaged Australian children create a better future

The Smith Family is a national, independent children’s charity, helping Australian children in need to get the most out of their education, so they can create better futures for themselves. The Smith Family's activities are driven by one purpose: To create opportunities for young Australians in need by providing long-term support for their participation in education.


How Konica Minolta helps

  • Annual Sponsorship—Konica Minolta sponsors 10 students in Learning for Life program including 2 Aboriginal or Torres strait Islander students, students with English as a second language, and female students pursuing a career  in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics or the Arts.
  • Workplace Giving—Konica Minolta matches 100% of employee donations to our major charity partners.
  • Volunteering— Opportunities include working on their Christmas Appeal organising and delivering gifts to families, mentoring and skilled volunteering.
  • In-kind printing—Each year Konica Minolta prints posters, event flyers, and campaign collateral for the annual VIEW Clubs of Australia Conference and other campaigns and events.
  • Annual Christmas Appeal—Konica Minolta’s employees and their friends and family as well as customers and suppliers purchase gifts for the many families supported by The Smith Family
  • Printers for Christmas—providing loan machines at warehouses for the annual Christmas Appeal provides much needed logistical support for this important annual event

Project Futures

Annual sponsorship
Workplace Giving
Immersion Trips to Cambodia

Transforming the lives of young girls and women

PROJECT FUTURES connects Australians to the issue of human trafficking, slavery and sexual exploitation. The primary beneficiary of the funds raised by PROJECT FUTURES is AFESIP in Cambodia which supports young women and girls who are victims or at risk of being victims of sexual trafficking, violence, abuse or indentured slavery and exploitation.


How Konica Minolta helps

  • Annual sponsorship—our donation to Project Futures goes directly to AFESIP to support, care for and secure the rights of victims or at risk of being victims of sexual trafficking, violence, abuse or indentured slavery and exploitation. 
  • Workplace Giving—Konica Minolta matches 100% of employee donations to any of our major charity partners.
  • Immersion Trips to Cambodia—Since 2017 Konica Minolta employees, their friends and family have been invited to participate in a self-funded Immersion Tour to visit Cambodia and understand the difficulties being experienced, and how our help is making a difference. Through the efforts of employees, friends and families, Konica Minolta has raised $80,000 from Immersion trips over the last 3 years.
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